Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Ash Wednesday and after

A reminder: we'll be having Ash Wednesday service at 7:30 tomorrow evening. For those who wish, there will be anointing with ashes.

Before the service, at 6:30, there will be a light soup and sandwich supper. Come and enjoy the fellowship, and especially enjoy the Service as we begin our Lenten journey for 2009.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

A Prayer for Transfiguration

"O Lord our God, teach us, we ask you, to ask you aright for the right blessings. Steer the vessel of our life toward yourself, you tranquil haven of all storm-tossed souls. Show us the course wherein we should go. Renew a willing spirit within us. Let your Spirit curb our wayward senses, and guide and enable us into that which is our true good, to keep your laws, and in all our works evermore to rejoice in your glorious and gladdening presence. For yours is the glory and praise from all your saints, for ever and eve. Amen."

St. Basil the Great

Thursday, February 12, 2009

To Have God as a Friend

"If anyone therefore desires to behold this image of God, he must love God so as to be loved by him, no longer as a servant but as a friend who observes his commandments, that he may enter the cloud where God is."

St. Ambrose of Milan, On His Brother Satyrus, 2.110

Saturday, February 07, 2009

The unspiritual try to see without light

"God gave us a mind in order that we might learn and receive help from him, not in order that the mind should be self-sufficient. Eyes are beautiful and useful, but if they choose to see without light, their beauty is useless and may even be harmful. Likewise, if my soul chooses to see without the Spirit, it becomes a danger to itself."

St. John Chrysostom,

Homilies on the Epistles of Paul to the Corinthians, 7.9

Friday, February 06, 2009

In much fear

"Was Paul really afraid of danger? Yes, he was, for even though he was Paul, he was still a man. This is not to say anything against him but rather about the infirmity of human nature. Indeed it is to the credit of his sense of determination that even when he was afraid of death and beatings, he did nothing wrong because of this fear."

St. John Chrysostom,

Homilies on the Epistles of Paul to the Corinthians, 6.2

Monday, February 02, 2009

Who are the meek?

"The meek are those who are gentle, humble and unassuming, simple in faith and patient in the face of every affront."

St. Chromatius of Aquileia