Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Hurricane Relief Update: How You Can Help

Katrina Update-November 23, 2005

Dear friends and fellow servants in Christ,

As we come together to thank God for His blessings to us and then begin the season of Advent we focus on the ultimate gift of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, let us again remember the needs of our brothers and sisters in Christ in Louisiana whose lives have been dramatically changed by Katrina. Please consider helping them have celebrations that are filled with His love and compassion in one or more of the following ways.

1. Atonement Lutheran Church and School has given the SED office names of five additional families who have requested our prayers, love and support as they recover from the ravages of hurricane Katrina. Please prayerfully consider sponsoring one of these families and bring extra joy to them as they approach the Christmas season. We continue to receive notes of thanks from families who have been touched by the care and compassion of their sponsoring congregation. The SED is making a huge difference in many lives, and it would be wonderful if all 70 families had a sponsor by Christmas. Please note that sponsoring a family is not intended to be a huge financial commitment. Most important are the prayers and compassion extended to these hurting people. Please review the guidelines for sponsoring a family on the SED web site and discuss this with your congregation or a group within your congregation.

2. We have received from Atonement Church and School "Christmas Wish Lists" from 50 families. Most of these families have not requested a church sponsor, but find that they need assistance in providing their children with some special gifts at Christmas. This would be a perfect project for a Christian Day School, Sunday School, Confirmation Class, youth group, LWML. Men's group, small group, etc. Please contact the SED office at and we will fax you the request forms. Packages should be shipped to Atonement since mail service is not yet up and running in all areas of New Orleans.

3. Lutheran Social Services has given the SED the names of several Katrina evacuee families who have relocated to theD.C. area and are in need of "Christmas Wishes". Please let us know if you would like to assist in this way.

4. Lutheran Disaster Response TENT CITY at Atonement is up and running! Now they need volunteers to fill the tents and provide the man power necessary for clean-up and reconstruction. The LDR contact person at Atonement is Jessica Vermilyea who can be contacted by cell phone (985-630-4217) or email She shared that she has over 250 work orders waiting for a volunteer, so your time and talents are needed. You CANNOT just show up there! You must contact her ahead and reserve your space so she can plan her work week. Please let SED know if you plan to go down . At this time, we are aware of three groups going down and would love to be sending many more.

If you have any questions or wish to respond to any of the above requests for help, please contact the SED at or call 1-800-637-5723 Ext. 215.

Many thanks to the many congregations, groups and individuals who have responded so lovingly to these wonderful families whose lives have been changed in so many ways. You are powerful reminders of the love of Christ that overcomes all adversities and the hope that we have in Him each and every day of our lives.

May God continue to bless our ministry to all His children!

In His <>< service,
Deaconess Liz DeMik

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Covered Dish Dinner for December

We're moving our covered dish dinner forward one week this month, to Sunday, Dec. 11th. (We won't be having it on the 4th because of the welcome service for Pastor Tessmann). The covered dish will be on the 11th, immediately following the morning service, and the regular semi-annual voters meeting will be held immediately after that.

More about the welcome service for Pastor Tessmann

A quick reminder!

The welcome service for Pastor Tessmann is this coming Sunday, Dec. 4th, at 4 p.m. The service is expected to last about an hour, and will be led by Pastor John Costello, with assistance from Circuit Counselor Pastor Joe Dzugan. Please plan to come, and stay for a light dinner afterwards.

Also, please check the list on the bulletin board for the dinner, and sign up to bring what you can. We're trying to make this a bit more organized than our covered dish dinners sometimes are, since we're hoping to have plenty of guests.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Getting Ready for Communion

If we were invited to attend a dinner at the White House, we would likely take some time getting ready.

As Christians, we have received a far more important invitation, and that's to eat with Christ, and the invitation is open every Sunday. St. Paul is very plain: "The cup of blessing which we bless, is it not the communion of the blood of Christ? The bread which we break, is it not the communion of the body of Christ?" (I Cor. 10.16) Anyone who receives the Lord's Supper receives in their mouth the body of Christ broken for us on Calvary, and the blood that was shed for the forgiveness of our sins.

What's more, Paul warns us that we are to examine ourselves. Examine ourselves that we receive the Supper in a worthy manner. The way to worthily receive, of course, is to believe the word of Christ, and trust in His mercy. The Small Catechism puts it well: "Fasting and bodily preparation is, indeed, a fine outward training; but he is truly worthy and well prepared who has faith in these words: Given, and shed for you, for the remission of sins."

Since we are blessed at Redeemer to receive that body and blood every Sunday, we have thought to provide a time for further reflection for those receiving the Supper. Once a month (on the 3rd Sunday), we'll be having a time of reflection and confession.

This service-before-the-service will begin at approximately 10:40, in the sanctuary. It will be a time of scriptural admonition and confession, and should last 15-20 minutes.

This new service is not a requirement for communing. However, like private confession, it is a gift for those sensing a need to strengthen their faith, we welcome anyone who would like to check out how they might use it to strengthen their faith. If you have other questions, contact Pastor Tessmann, or one of the elders.

Voters Meeting

Redeemer's semi-annual voters meeting will be held on Sunday, December 11th, following the morning service. All members -- and especially voting members -- are encouraged to attend.

Advent Services

Advent is our time of preparing for the coming of Christ among us, on Christmas.

We'll be having special midweek services each Wednesday night (Nov. 30, Dec. 7th, 14th, and 21st) at 7:30.

Thanksgiving day service

Our Thanksgiving service will be held on Wednesday night, the 23rd, at 7:30 p.m.

Welcome Service for Pastor Tessmann

Pastor Tessmann has begun his work among us, but we're planning on a more formal welcome, as well.

The service for welcoming him will be held on Sunday afternoon, Dec. 4th, at 4 p.m. This will be a vespers service, and led by former vacancy pastor, John Costello.

Afterwards, all members, guests, and friends are invited to stay for a light dinner, beginning around 5 p.m.