Sunday, February 26, 2006

What is Lent?

Lent is a 40-day season of the Church year which runs from Ash Wednesday through Holy Week. (The name "Lent" is actually derived from an old English word meaning "Spring"). The Scripture lessons, hymns, and services of Lent focus on the ministry, suffering, and death of our Savior.

Supper Prior to Midweek Lenten Services

Lots of our members get home late. And when you do, sometimes a choice has to be made: dinner or midweek service?

Well, we're taking part of the choice away. You can come straight from work -- or whatever -- and get supper at church before the service begins.

We'll be having soup suppers every Wednesday, prior to the midweek service. Supper will begin around 6:45, lasting until 7:15. (The service begins at 7:30).

We also need folks to sign up for bringing soup. It's certainly not required, but if you can make a big pot of soup, sign up on the list on the bulletin board.

Mid-Week Lenten Services

We'll begin having mid-week Lenten services beginning Ash Wednesday, March 1st.

The services will begin at 7:30, and should last about 30 minutes.

For Ash Wednesday, the service will include the imposition of ashes on the foreheads of those who desire it.