Sunday, January 25, 2009

United in judgment

"It is possible to agree on a form of words but still harbor dissent, which is why Paul speaks the way he does here. It is also possible to share the same opinion with someone but not the same feelings. For example, it is possible to be united in faith without being united in love. This is why Paul says that we must be united both in mind and in judgment."

St. John Chrysostom, Homilies on the Epistles of Paul to the Corinthians, 3.2

Friday, January 23, 2009

God's grace

"Hence he was in the shadow of life, whereas sinners are in the shadow of death. According to Isaiah, the people who sinned sat in the shadow of death. For these a light arose, not by the merits of their virtues but by the grace of God. There is no distinction, therefore, between the breath of God and the food of the tree of life. No one can say that he can acquire more by his own efforts than what is granted him by the generosity of God."

St. Ambrose of Milan, On Paradise, 5.29

Monday, January 19, 2009

Sustained forever

"Who sustains us? Christ Jesus, the Word and Wisdom of God. Moreover, he sustains us not merely for a day or two, but forever."

Origen, Commentary on I Corinthians, 1.2.52-54

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Christmas decorations coming down

We'll be taking down the indoor Christmas decorations this Wednesday morning at 9. If you can come and help, we'll get it done quickly.

The ones assembled all over the world

"The church ought to be united because it belongs to God. It does not exist only in Corinth, but all over the world, and it is one, for the church's name (ecclesia) means "assembly." It is not a name of separation, but a name of unity and concord."

St. John Chryostom, Homilies on the Epistles of Paul to the Corinthians, 1.1

Not by works

"You were saved by grace, not by works. And who gave you this grace? It was not Paul, or another apostle, but Jesus Christ himself."

St. John Chrysostom, Homilies on the Epistles of Paul to the Corinthians, 2.3