Monday, December 31, 2007

Epiphany, 1/6/08

A special note to remember this coming Sunday, when we celebrate the Epiphany of our Lord. (Yep, this is a short Christmas season this year).

We also -- in conjunction with the anniversary celebration -- remember those who have received the forgiveness of sins in Holy Baptism at Redeemer, and joyfully celebrate their -- and our -- new birth in Christ.

This Sunday will also be our monthly covered dish, so give up that post-Christmas dieting, and come enjoy a special meal at church this Sunday!

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Installation of new officers next Sunday, 1/6/08

Just a note to everyone who's an officer for the upcoming year -- all officers will be installed this coming Sunday, Jan. 6, 2008.

And a note, too, for everyone in the congregation: please remember all those serving in your prayers, that God would enable them to serve wisely in the coming year.

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Movie time at the church

Come out this Friday evening for popcorn and a movie at church.

Starting 7:30, we're going to see (on our new, wide-screen!) the movie The Nativity. Bring a favorite snack, and enjoy this time of fellowship together.

In case you're unfamiliar with the movie, here's some information.

Advent Services

Remember the Advent services this week -- 7:30 Wednesday evening, preceded by a soup supper at 6:30. See you then!

Officers for the new church year

Our thanks to the following who were elected to offices in the congregation for this church year.

Elder: Charles Carter

Financial secretary: Hannah Leslie

Recording secretary: Debbie Winkler

Trustee: Lisa Witter

Education and Sunday school director: Amy Huffman

Let's remember, also, to pray for these folks, that God would guide them as they do their important jobs among us.

Prayer reminders

Please continue to remember these folks who are in need of our prayers:

the sick:

Gwen Leslie (Scott's mother)

Ed Koschmann (Karla's dad)

Madeline and Isabellar Dunn

Annis Lee

Kim Tessmann

those in the military:

Trey Casey and Jeff Fanani (Kristine Byrnes' friends)

Trevar Partner (Sue Kinsey's cousin)

our missionary in Germany:

the Rev. Brent Smith and family